G-DRAGON, a member of the popular group BIGBANG, will be making a 2nd solo comeback towards the end of August.
According to several different media representatives, G-Dragon has recently entered the final stages of his solo album recording. The comeback is said to be scheduled for the end of August, which makes this his 2nd solo album comeback in three years after releasing “Heartbreaker” in 2009.
Although this solo comeback was initially said to be released in mid-August, no specific schedule has been told. It was said that the same concept of releasing the album on his birthday, like he did for “Heartbreaker”, was going to be used again.
However, one representative stated, “It looks as though he will be releasing his first teaser, for this 2nd solo album, on his birthday (the 18th) and he will continue releasing more each and everyday.” He also prospected, “The release of the actual album looks to be around the end of August."
On the other hand, G-Dragon has revealed pictures of himself in a meeting regarding his solo album through his Twitter, unveiling hints and clues to his comeback countdown.
G-DRAGON, člen populárnej skupiny BigBang, bude robiť 2-hý solo album ku koncu augusta
Podla niektorých médii, GD nedávno začal poslednú fázu nahrávania jeho solo albumu. Comeback je naplánovaný na koniec Augusta, ktorý robí tento jeho 2-hý solo album návrat po 3 rokoch od vydania "Heartbreaker" v 2009. Hoci tento solo návrat spočiatku bol naplánovaný v polovici Augusta, žiadny konkrétný plán nie je. Hovorilo sa že album víde na jeho narodeniny ako to urobil aj s Heartbreak-om, možno to tak bude znovu.
Avšak, jeden zástupca uvideol "Vyzerá to tak že vydá jeho prvý teaser, pre tento 2-hý solo album, na jeho narodniny (18-teho) a potom vydá postupne viac a viac každý deň." Tiež povedal "Vydanie albumu by mohlo byť okolo konca Augusta."
Na druhú stranu, GD ohalli jeho fotografie zo stretnutia ohladne jeho solo albumu cez Twitter.