T.O.P filming for The Alumni

28.07.2012 00:04



In the movie, T.O.P will play the role of a teenager assassin named Myung-hoon from North Korea who has been assigned to kill in a bid to save his sister’s life.

The plot unfolds when Myung-hoon meets the female protagonist played by Han Yeri, with whom he falls in love.

“The Alumni” is being directed by Park Shin-woo, who was also behind the hit movie “White Night” (2009).




Vo filme, T.O.P bude hrať rolu dospievajúceho vraha "Myung-hoon" zo Severnej Kórey ktorý je určený zabíjať  v snahe zachrániť život svojej sestry.


Dej sa odohráva ked Myung-hoon stretne ženu hlavnú postavu ktorú hrá Han Yeri, do ktorej sa zalúbi


"Alumni" (Absolventi) je režírovaný Park Shin-woonom, ktorí taktieš režíroval hit "White Night" (Biela Noc) 2009